
What is èpiglottit?

Èpiglottit is a strong inflammation of the epiglottis. Epiglottis – elastic plate of mostly cartilage tissue, located in the throat. During swallowing the epiglottis covers the trachea and vocal chords, to prevent food and liquids into the lungs. Swelling of the epiglottis can quickly block the Airways and make breathing.

Èpiglottit is rare and requires immediate medical attention. If you suspect, that your child has, or other person is èpiglottit, need to immediately call for emergency medical assistance.

Causes of èpiglottita

Factors, that may cause èpiglottita include:

  • Bacteria, viruses, fungi;
  • Swallowing hot fluids;
  • Physical trauma to the throat;
  • Cocaine consumption.

Risk factors for èpiglottita

Èpiglottit easy to apply. It is transmitted the same way, like the common cold, airborne, When you sneeze and cough. Èpiglottit can develop from any person.

This disease is most susceptible to:

  • Infants under 2 months, who were not vaccinated;
  • Children 3-7 years, living in countries, in which vaccination is not carried out properly.

Other factors, that can increase the risk of jepiglottita include:

  • Accommodation in close quarters;
  • Going to school or work in the Office;
  • Cold season (autumn, winter).

Symptoms èpiglottita

Èpiglottita symptoms may include:

  • Cough;
  • Fever more 39,5 ° C;
  • Severe sore throat;
  • Difficulty in swallowing of saliva;
  • Muffled voice;
  • Breathing problems:
    • Učašennoe breathing;
    • Difficulties with breathing air;
    • Squeaky or squeaky sound during inhalation, caused by blocking the airway;
  • Symptoms, associated with low oxygen:
    • Bluish skin or lips;
    • Slowness;
    • Confusion;
    • Irritability.

Jepiglottita symptoms appear suddenly and can quickly deteriorate.

Note: Do not attempt to use a spoon or other tool, to push the language and explore the patient's throat. This can cause throat spasm and completely close the airway.

Èpiglottita Diagnostics

When a patient arrives at the hospital, the doctor must first make sure, that he is able to breathe. Thereafter, the doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. If there is no breathing problems, doctor will inspect the throat.

For accurate diagnosis of jepiglottita can be assigned some analyses:

  • Blood test
  • Seeding bacteria samples from the throat.

To obtain snapshots of problem areas can be assigned the following procedures:

  • Nazolaringoskopiâ;
  • X-rays of the neck.

Treatment èpiglottita

The doctor must first stabilize the condition of the respiratory tract, and then assign the appropriate treatment depending on the cause of the illness. In the process of diagnosis can be detected by other diseases, that needs to be treated, depending on the cause of èpiglottita, eg, such as blood infections.

If the patient can breathe on their own, He will be placed under observation in the intensive care unit.

If the patient is unable to breathe properly, treatment options include:

  • Endotracheal intubation – a breathing tube inserted through the nose or mouth and further into the respiratory tract. This procedure can be performed, only if the airway is not closed due to swelling. Procedure should be performed by a physician with sufficient qualifications;
  • Tracheotomy – breathing tube inserted directly into the airway through an incision in the throat. The procedure is performed, If due to swelling in the Airways closed, and endotracheal intubation impossible.

After stabilization of breathing is assigned to intravenous drugs and antibiotics. Antibiotics help destroy bacteria, that caused the infection and swelling. First can be assigned several types of antibiotics, the cause of the disease is not yet known. After receiving the results of laboratory research is assigned a specific antibiotic.

Reduce swelling after breathing tube may be removed. Usually, jepiglottit does not have any long-term side effects.

Prevention èpiglottita

Hib vaccine vaccination is the only way, allows you to prevent èpiglottit. After vaccination jepiglottita risk is minimized. If you have a weak immune system or you are taking medications, that can cause jepiglottita, you need to consult a doctor about vaccination.

Taking antibiotics can be assigned for prevention of èpiglottita for the following categories of persons:

  • Family members and other persons, who had contact with the patient during the previous 5 days before the disease;
  • The staff of children's institutions, who had contact with the patient during the previous 5 days before the disease.

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