Epidermal Cyst – Epidermoid cyst

What is Epidermal Cyst?

Epidermal Cyst – It is a slow-growing education under the skin. Cyst consists of epithelium, lipids and keratin, its content has an unpleasant smell of rancid cheese. Cysts usually appear on the face, neck, Breast, upper back, on the genitals or ears. Such cysts called hair cyst often occur on the scalp.

Epidermal Cyst causes

Causes of epidermal cysts include:

  • Blockage of the hair follicle in the skin cells – When it comes to skin damage, cells with its surface may block the hair follicles, located deeper;
  • Damage to the hair follicle due to Acne;
  • Blockage or defect of the sebaceous glands – This gland is located in the vicinity of the hair follicle. It secretes an oily lubricant, used to lubricate skin and hair.

Risk factors of epidermal cysts

Acne and skin damage increases the risk of development of epidermal cysts.

Symptoms of epidermal cysts

The following symptoms, In addition to the epidermal cysts may be caused by other diseases and disorders. Consult your doctor, if you have any of the symptoms:

  • Little, dome-shaped lump under the skin;
  • Foul-smelling discharge from the cysts;
  • Redness or soreness on the surface or around the cyst, When it becomes inflamed.

Diagnosis of epidermal cysts

The doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history, and perform a physical examination. In most cases, the diagnosis can be made by simply inspecting. Also you may be referred to a dermatologist, doctor, who specializes in skin diseases.

Epidermal Cyst treatment

Epidermal cysts, treatment options include::

  • Surgical excision – the doctor removes the entire cyst, including its contents and cyst wall;
  • Surgical drainage – the procedure involves draining the cyst autopsy its contents. However, in this case, the cyst may reappear;
  • Antibiotics – They may be assigned, If the cyst becomes infected.

Prevention of epidermal cysts

At the moment there are no methods to prevent epidermal cysts. If as a result of the hair follicle cyst drainage stayed it corked up, relapse may occur and the cyst reappears. If this happens, the doctor may decide to drop the whole cyst through surgery.

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