
When ATH:

Pharmacological action.


High molecular weight dextran used for volume replacement in blood loss, shocks of various origins. MIDDLE dextrans used in various intoxications, violations of the rheological properties of blood and capillary blood flow, for the treatment and prevention of thrombophlebitis and shock states.


Hypersensitivity, craniocerebral trauma with increased intracranial pressure, hemorrhagic stroke.

Restrictions apply.


Side effects.

Allergic reactions.

Dosing and Administration.

Solutions of high molecular weight dextran is administered I / drip or (with a sharp decrease in blood pressure) B / A in a dose of 400 to 1200 ml, при ожоговом шоке — до 2000–3000 мл/сут. Детям назначают в дозе 10–50 мл/кг/сут. Solutions of middle infused dextrans (30-60 min) в случае шока в дозе до 1400 ml. В целях дезинтоксикации вводят в/в капельно 400–800 мл, In a few hours, in case of need, переливают еще 400 ml.

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