What you need to know about breakfast? – Which breakfast is the most useful for health – What to eat for breakfast?

What to eat for breakfast?

You start the day on an empty stomach or restrict a cup of coffee? And then wonder, why you get tired quickly, You do not have time and do not look? Help can such a simple thing, as breakfast. Scientists not proof. Proper breakfast helps the body finally wake up.

During the morning meal the body replenishes a quarter of the daily need for nutrients and trace elements. Not after, We remain without food on 12-17 hours – with yesterday's dinner before today's lunch. But such breaks have negative consequences. For example, long "simple" in work increases the risk of gall bladder stones education.

Breakfast helps protect against strokes and heart attacks. Most often they happen it is in the morning. At this time the most intense "sticking" of blood platelets, and form blood clots.

breakfast, we never potolsteem. With a full breakfast everyday metabolism is accelerated by 3-4%. Morning meal takes your appetite under control, and we do not overeat during the day.

A balanced breakfast improves brain function. The only fuel for the brain – glucose, and without a sense of fatigue and mental relaxation. Breakfast increases efficiency in the 30%.

Eat breakfast person experiences less stress and depression. A balanced breakfast improves mood and adds vitality.

How to properly eat breakfast?

Not every breakfast effective. To benefit, say nutritionists, it must be balanced. The human body requires for breakfast one third of the daily protein standards, two-thirds of the daily value of carbohydrates and very little fat – less than a fifth of.

Sources of protein - it is fish and meat, nuts and eggs, milk, mushrooms and seeds. Unsaturated fats are digested better and faster. They have a sunflower oil, almond, peanuts, poultry meat, avocado. Particular attention should be paid to carbohydrates – so we need energy. Carbohydrates come in simple and complex.

For Example, you breakfast cereal or a sandwich with butter, We drank coffee with sugar and buns. These products contain simple carbohydrates. Once in the blood, they immediately turn into sugar. From this condition improves, there is a burst of energy. As soon as we started to work, attention concentration decreases, We begin to feel irritable, weakness and desire to eat something. And all because, that due to the high levels of blood sugar, the pancreas produce insulin intensive, to remove sugar from the blood and turns it into a fat.

Blood sugar levels dropping, We again want to simple carbohydrates – chocolate, coffee with sugar, sandwich, buns, soda. They once again raise blood sugar levels and relieve the feeling of hunger and weakness. Sugar level went up again, followed and the level of insulin. This cycle is repeated several times a day and sooner or later leads to obesity and diabetes.

Nutritionists recommend review food in favor of complex carbohydrates. They are broken down slowly, blood sugar rises without spike, and the brain constantly receives energy. Complex carbohydrates can be obtained from whole grains of cereals, wholemeal bread, Potato, legumes. Especially useful are the carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables, dairy products.

What to eat for breakfast?

Wholegrain porridge. It is better to alternate. The kasham you can add raisins, nuts, honey, pieces of fruit. Useful as a breakfast of any vegetable salad, which you like, seasoned with vegetable oil. Good winter salad of finely chopped white cabbage, Apple and carrot. As refueling use yogurt.

Guests can start the day and with sandwiches. Perfect combination to be whole grain rye bread with a little butter, a slice of cheese and a slice of tomato. If you are used to eating breakfast meat, then try to give preference to low-fat varieties of its. For example, chicken or turkey. Avoid pates, containing saturated fat.

Be sure to include a breakfast menu or fruit juices are.

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