Arrhenoblastoma – Androblastoma – Sertoli-Leydig tumors of the ovaries

Description arrhenoblastoma

Arrhenoblastoma is a rare type of ovarian tumor. The tumor begins to secrete the male sex hormone, Testosterone, and rarely the female sex hormone, Estrogen. The share androblastoma accounts for less than 0,5% of all ovarian tumors.

Arrhenoblastoma, usually, Benign, that is, they do not normally spread beyond the ovary. Nonetheless, they can cause the development of female male physical attributes, such as facial hair and a deep voice.

Рак яичников - арренобластома

Reasons arrhenoblastoma

Currently the causes are unknown arrhenoblastoma.

Risk Factors arrhenoblastoma

Factors, which increase the likelihood of arrhenoblastoma:

  • Paul: female;
  • Arrhenoblastoma most common among young women (aged 20-30), however, they may occur at any age, including babies, girls and postmenopausal women;
  • Rarely, arrhenoblastoma is a complication of pregnancy.

Symptoms arrhenoblastoma

These symptoms may be caused by other diseases. You must inform your doctor, if they came any:

  • In many cases, infrequent menstruation or cessation of menstrual periods is the only symptom;
  • From one out of three patients, arrhenoblastoma accompanied by masculinization, including the following:
  • Acne;
  • Reduction (coarsening) votes;
  • Girsutizm (increased facial hair growth);
  • Enlargement of the clitoris.

Diagnosis arrhenoblastoma

The doctor can check the level of male hormones (such, as testosterone and androsterone), to see, whether there is a surplus of.

Tests may include the following:

  • Blood tests for hormone levels (including testosterone, DHEA, CD56, progesterone) – for detecting high concentration;
  • Ultrasound examination – to determine the location, the size and shape of the tumor.

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Treatment arrhenoblastoma

Treatment includes surgery to remove one or both ovaries. This procedure, usually, It helps women to return to normal menstruation (in premenopausal women) and stops masculinization. If the tumor is detected at a late stage and particularly aggressive (which is rare), It may be needed radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or a combination thereof, in addition to the operation.

Prevention arrhenoblastoma

There is no way to prevent ovarian cancer in any form, as the cause of the alarm is unknown.

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